No quit.
This is the best skill you can have in 2025
And no, it’s not digital marketing
It’s not dropshipping
It is nothing like that
The best skill you can have is two words
No quit.
You need to have no quit to succeed
No matter what happens
No matter what everyone says
No matter when or where
You need to have no quit
Because it doesn’t work
Until it does.
Everyone is right to mock you
Until they aren’t
You need to lose lose lose over and over again
Until you win
That is why succeeding is so difficult
You need to withstand losing at every turn
The first time you make a mistake, you can’t quit
The first time someone laughs at you for posting, you can’t quit
The first time someone loses faith in you, you can’t quit
And the next time and the next time and the next time
You can’t quit
Because when you do, all you do, is prove them right
Because after all of that losing and hardship, the first win arrives
And that’s all it takes for all of it to be worth it
No one’s laughing now, because they were wrong
And now they are the ones losing
Because it is too late for them
Because you
Have forgotten
No matter what you are chasing this year.
Implement no quit into your life
And keep going
Because remember
They are right
Until they aren’t
From yours truly, Michael.