Saturday evening.
You need to change your mindset, and here’s why
It’s a Saturday evening and I decided that I’m just going to chill out for tonight
I’ve been working all week
Time for a break I thought
But instantly when I started to go on my phone and “relax”
I was bored
I felt lazy
It felt stupid to do something so useless
So, I deleted the following days’ to-do list and started working again
I am at a point where everything else seems boring compared to my work
I feel unfulfilled when I do anything unproductive
This is how deep you need to be
I have convinced my mind that all the things I used to enjoy
Playing videogames, scrolling on my phone, watching YouTube videos
Are boring, and a distraction
Now, I know this isn’t the easiest to achieve
This passion and mindset is rooted in my love for my work
I love designing websites, writing my blog, and creating content
I love them to a point where everything else seems pointless
So, ask yourself, whether you are studying or running a business or whatever
Ask yourself, do I love what I’m doing more than anything else?
Do you find yourself doing the work because you have to or because you get to?
I am incredibly grateful for finding something that I love more than anything else and it’s the love that allows me to have this mindset
If you don’t love what you do, you are highly unlikely to replace distractions and scrolling with work
First, find a passion you love
Then that allows you to change your mindset
Work becomes the “I get to”
Distractions become the “I have to”
Until next time, Michael.